God's Final Message 17 - Testimony of Jesus November 30, 2023 With everything we've studied about prophecy there is one point we've barley touched on, is there still prophecy today?
God's Final Message 16 - How to Postpone Your Funeral November 30, 2023 God has a plan for each and everyone of us and that plan involves our spirit, relationships and body.
God's Final Message 15 - The Return of the Woman November 30, 2023 A woman in Bible prophecy represents God's people or the church. What Jesus left behind was His true church and revelation says that this woman will return.
God's Final Message 14 - A River Runs Through It November 30, 2023 There is a river in the beginning and there will be a river in the end. What are these rivers and what do they represent?
God's Final Message 13 - A Desolate Planet November 30, 2023 When Jesus return in Revelation that isn't the end. There is a second resurrection and a second death.